If kings and lords are your thing and you are also considering empires of different ages, play the Forge of Emires game and begin building your own City that you can turn into a vast empire. You will become a ruler of the City where you have to be responsible to keep it safe and peaceful. You'll also construct buildings as you research for new technologies that can unlock functions to upgrade and develop your City. You will need re
source s to do your research and the game provides various ways in order to earn funds that will be helpful for the upgrades. For you to pay for any updates that you need, you should also save plenty of resources. Enhance your City’s defense against attacks or you can conquer new territories also when you find particular tools and materials that can help to improve your troops and armies.
Forge of Empires or
FoE has organised its annual Soccer Event since 2016 and the return of the men’s game this year has a bit of changes when compared to the prior years. For instance, it is currently broken into two, the training section (event A) and the recently introduced tournament section (event B), where each one provides a different daily special. Also, the League system has returned but the tournament’s results will only add up to your progress.
Push your team from the training arena towards the tournament arena so you can achieve a victory and earn awesome prizes. The training arena will allow you to decide how to pass the ball from one player to another so it can get to the opposite side and shoot it to the goal of the opponents. Passing the ball is a hard work to carry out but you get to earn rewards from various options for making every pass, such as the chance to get the Daily Specials or player cards that will unlock new players while you also get to advance to the next step and earn the sought after goal reward. For every pass your make, however, you'll also spend some of your Energy drinks since you have to replenish your energy in order to continue playing. You can get more of the drinks once you complete more quests or, every once in awhile, you will find a small in regular incidents in your City.
If you want to challenge players from the other teams to earn your spot in the global rankings, go into the tournament arena and start your game by choosing the difficulty of a match, which can be easy, medium or hard. Then you need to choose the best team that can defeat your opponent by combining the best players in order to increase your chances of winning. Take into account every player’s strengths and weakness along with their field positions. Click on the button on the middle of the screen when you are done to see the match results.
You'll be able to replenish the tournament ticket that you will use every time you play if you wait after some time, complete more quests, or find them in regular incidents in your City. Each time you win a match, your global rankings will be determined by the points you earn while you also get a reward chest that relies on difficulty level you have selected and it'll provide you with a chance to win the tournament Daily Special. The Daily Special in the tournament and training are different from each other so you have to play in both events and aim for two different daily special prizes.
Forge Games do your very best in both the training and tournament area as other players are also aiming towards victory and a place in the global rankings. Furthermore, be sure that you continue to play and win to sustain your position because only a few players can stay on top. To help keep your City strong and safe, earn prices and goods once you join the event that has a lot of rewards waiting for you.